(1. 云南省烟草公司曲靖市公司,云南 曲靖 655011;2. 西南大学人工智能学院,重庆 400715)
摘 要:【目的】以往变速器工装台架的设计主要依靠经验,使得大多数台架具有过剩的结构性能,导致材料浪费和成本升高。因此,获得良好静动态特性以及轻量化结构的装烟机基座具有重要现实意义。【方法】课题组应用CAE方法,通过UG软件建立装烟机试验台架的几何模型,使用Inspire软件对台架进行静力学和模态分析,同时采用变密度法中的SIMP法建立拓扑优化模型,使用数学规划法进行变量迭代计算,对台架进行拓扑优化分析,并以轻量化设计为原则对台架结构进行重新设计。【结果】原有基座静动态特性良好,存在很大的轻量化设计潜能,重新设计后的基座静态特性几乎不变,动态特性更好,基座质量较原有设计减少4.75 kg,减幅43.3%,减重效果明显。【结论】本研究为工装台架的轻量化设计提供了方法与参考,并具有一定指导意义。
(1.Yunnan Tobacco Company Qujing Company, Yunnan Qujing 655011; 2.College of Artificial Intelligence, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715)
Abstract: [Objective] In the past, the design of transmission tooling benches mainly relied on experience, which resulted in most benches having excess structural performance, resulting in material waste and increased costs. Therefore, obtaining a cigarette loader base with good static and dynamic characteristics and lightweight structure is of great practical significance. [Method] The research group applied CAE method to establish the geometric modeling of the test bench for installing flue gas turbine through UG software, and used Inspire software to conduct Statics and modal analysis of the bench. At the same time, the SIMP method in the variable density method was used to establish the topology optimization model, and the mathematical programming method was used to conduct variable iteration calculation, and the topology optimization analysis of the bench was carried out. The bench structure was redesigned based on the principle of lightweight design. [Result] The original base has good static and dynamic characteristics, and there is great potential for lightweight design. After redesign, the static characteristics of the base remain almost unchanged, and the dynamic characteristics are better. The base weight is reduced by 4.75 kg compared to the original design, with a reduction of 43.3%, and the weight reduction effect is significant. [Conclusion] This study provides a method and reference for the lightweight design of tooling racks, and has certain guiding significance.
Keywords: CAE; topology optimization; lightweight design; tobacco lift
引文信息[1]王涛,舒雷,张豹林,等.装烟机试验台基座静动态特性分析及轻量化设计[J].南方农机,2023,54(17):11-13+48. :