作者:孙佩,易洁伟,周凌云,张驰,王雯雯 (湖北省地质科学研究院,湖北 武汉 430034)
摘 要:【目的】无论是耕地质量评价研究还是耕地景观格局研究,各体系已相对成熟,但将二者结合的研究方法还相对较少,亟需开展相关研究拓展耕地格局研究方法与研究思路。【方法】课题组以湖北省丹江口市为研究对象,基于景观格局指数以及核密度估算法对研究区2010—2020年的耕地空间格局演变情况进行分析。【结果】1)2010—2020年,丹江口市景观类型水平方面的耕地面积(TA)、聚集度指数(AI)、斑块所占景观面积比例(PLAND)都呈现出先增后减的特征;而斑块数量 (NP)与耕地破碎度(NP/TA)数值一直增加。2)除了丹江口水库附近以及武当山旅游经济特区,研究区其他地方的核密度值均较高,且高值整体向北移动。【结论】1)丹江口市的耕地在研究期间受人类活动影响越来越大,破碎化程度不断增加,耕地图斑的外观形态趋于规则化,故平均斑块形状指数(MSI)呈现下降的趋势。2)丹江口市耕地核密度值及其变化趋势主要受丹江口水库附近水位变化反复以及旅游业发展的影响。
Analysis on the Evolution of Cultivated Land Spatial Pattern in Danjiangkou City
Author: Sun Pei, Yi Jiewei, Zhou Lingyun, Zhang Chi, Wang Wenwen (Hubei Institute of Geosciences, Hubei Wuhan 430034)
Abstract: [Objective] Whether it is the evaluation of arable land quality or the study of arable land landscape pattern, each system is relatively mature, but there are relatively few research methods that combine the two. It is urgent to carry out relevant research to expand the research methods and ideas of arable land pattern. [Method] The research team took Danjiangkou City, Hubei Province as the research object, and analyzed the spatial pattern evolution of cultivated land in the study area from 2010 to 2020 based on the landscape pattern index and the nuclear density estimation method. [Result] 1) From 2010 to 2020, the cultivated land area (TA), aggregation index (AI), and the proportion of patches in the landscape area (PLAND) at the landscape type level in Danjiangkou City showed the characteristics of first increasing and then decreasing; the number of patches (NP) and the fragmentation of cultivated land (NP/TA) values have been increasing. 2) Except for the vicinity of the Danjiangkou Reservoir and the Wudang Mountains Special Tourism Economic Zone, the nuclear density values of other places in the study area are relatively high, and the high values move northward as a whole. [Conclusion] 1) The cultivated land in Danjiangkou City was more and more affected by human activities during the study period, and the degree of fragmentation was increasing. The appearance of cultivated land patches tended to be regular, so the average patch shape index (MSI) showed a downward trend. 2) The cultivated land nuclear density value and its change trend in Danjiangkou City are mainly affected by the repeated changes of water level near the Danjiangkou Reservoir and the development of tourism.
Keywords: Danjiangkou City; landscape pattern index; nuclear density estimation method; cultivated land