作者:关洁琳(广东工业大学管理学院,广东 广州 510520)
摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,世界各地出现了不同程度的耕地非农化现象,为耕地的保护带来了严峻挑战。耕地非农化不仅会导致土地资源浪费,还会对国家粮食安全产生影响。笔者通过文献对比法,围绕着耕地非农化的驱动因素、耕地非农化的时空特征、耕地非农化带来的影响、耕地非农化的管控对策等方面,梳理了国内外对于耕地非农化具有代表性的研究成果。在此基础上,总结了当前我国耕地非农化研究中存在的一些不足,并对未来耕地非农化研究进行了展望,提出应明确耕地非农化的概念,发展耕地非农化遥感监测技术,重点关注耕地非农化带来的生态环境问题,以期为后续相关研究提供一定的参考。
Research Progress and Prospect of Non-agriculturalization of Arable Land at Home and Abroad
Guan Jielin (School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong Guangzhou 510520)
Abstract: With the development of social economy, various degrees of non-agriculturalization of arable land have appeared in various parts of the world, which has brought severe challenges to the protection of arable land. The non-agriculturalization of arable land will not only lead to waste of land resources, but also have an impact on national food security. The author, through the method of literature comparison, has summarized the representative research results on non-agriculturalization of arable land at home and abroad, focusing on the driving factors of non-agriculturalization of cultivated land, the spatiotemporal characteristics of non-agriculturalization of cultivated land, the impact of non-agriculturalization of cultivated land, and the control measures for non-agriculturalization of cultivated land. On this basis, some shortcomings in the current research on non-agriculturalization of arable land in China were summarized, and the future research on non-agriculturalization of arable land was prospected. It was proposed to clarify the concept of non-agriculturalization of arable land, develop remote sensing monitoring technology for non-agriculturalization of arable land, and focus on the ecological environment issues brought about by non-agriculturalization of arable land, in order to provide some reference for subsequent related research.
Keywords: arable land; non-agriculturalization; research progress; countermeasure; prospect