作 者:徐居禹 ,孙海燕 ,杨玉航 (云南农业大学,云南 昆明 650201)
摘 要:小农经济作为中国长期以来的主要农业经营模式,在当前和今后一段时期内依然会继续存在。以小农户为主构成的各类农业经营主体在农业现代化过程中面临着技术、资金、市场、管理等方面的许多问题,其主要表现为缺乏农业资金支持、市场信息不对称、农产品供应链不完善、资源利用效率低下等,这些问题制约着小农经济的转型与升级。智慧农业在提高农业生产效率、促进资源节约与环境保护、改善农民生活质量、推动农业可持续发展和农村现代化等方面具有重要的作用,是农业现代化的必然选择。研究结果表明,中国小农经济与智慧农业有机衔接的关键在于采用智慧农业技术和模式,应构建农业全产业链平台,增强各类农业经营主体的农业现代化意识,畅通农户与农产品市场的信息交流渠道,提升农产品供应链标准化水平。促进小农户的可持续发展,提高农业产能和效益,进一步推动农业现代化的进程。
Abstract: The small-scale agricultural economy, as the main agricultural management model in China for a long time, will continue to exist in the current and future period. Various agricultural management entities, mainly composed of small farmers, face many problems in technology, funding, market, management, and other aspects in the process of agricultural modernization. The main manifestations are a lack of agricultural financial support, market information asymmetry, imperfect agricultural product supply chains, and low resource utilization efficiency, which constrain the transformation and upgrading of small-scale agricultural economies. Smart agriculture plays an important role in improving agricultural production efficiency, promoting resource conservation and environmental protection, improving the quality of life of farmers, promoting sustainable agricultural development and rural modernization, and is an inevitable choice for agricultural modernization. The research results indicate that the key to the organic connection between China’s small-scale agricultural economy and smart agriculture lies in the adoption of smart agricultural technology and models. A platform for the entire agricultural industry chain should be constructed to enhance the modernization awareness of various agricultural management entities, facilitate information exchange channels between farmers and the agricultural product market, and improve the standardization level of the agricultural product supply chain. Promote the sustainable development of small farmers, improve agricultural production capacity and efficiency, and further promote the process of agricultural modernization.
Keywords: small-scale peasant economy; smart agriculture; agricultural management subject; agricultural modernization