作 者:韩阿丽1 ,燕亚民2 (1. 许昌市建安区农业机械推广中心,河南 许昌 461000; 2. 许昌职业技术学院机电与汽车工程学院,河南 许昌 461000)
摘 要:【目的】保证丘陵地区秧苗实时移栽,提高秧苗移栽效率与移栽质量,实现移栽机械化。【方法】课题组结合我国现代种植农艺要求和不同种植区域的特点,开发设计了一种吊篮式山地移栽机,详细阐述了该吊篮式山地移栽机整机工作原理及移栽变速箱机构、株距调节机构、曲柄连杆机构、鸭嘴移栽器、自动喂料机构等主要部件的结构设计,并通过1∶1的建模及样机试制,在许昌烟草分公司进行了实地实验。【结果】该机具可一次性完成秧苗预装、垄打孔、秧苗移栽、覆土镇压等多道工序,且移栽深度、漏栽率、株距变异系数都在标准要求范围内,移栽质量完全满足烟草移栽的农艺要求。【结论】该机具具有作业效率高、移栽深度一致性好、转弯半径小、操作方便等优势,适合于多种小角度倾斜地形和多种类型不同株距作物的移栽,可满足丘陵地块规模化烟草移栽工序的农艺要求。
Design of Hanging Basket Mountainous Transplanter
Han Ali1 , Yan Yamin2
(1.Agricultural Machinery Promotion Center in Jian’an District, Xuchang City, Henan Xuchang 461000; 2.School of Electromechanical and Automotive Engineering, Xuchang Vocational Technical College, Henan Xuchang 461000)
Abstract: [Objective] To ensure real-time transplanting of seedlings in hilly areas, improve transplanting efficiency and quality, and achieve mechanization of transplanting. [Method] The research group developed and designed a hanging basket mountainous transplanter based on the requirements of modern planting and agronomy in China and the characteristics of different planting areas. The working principle of the hanging basket mountainous transplanter and the structural design of the main components such as the transplanting gearbox mechanism, plant spacing adjustment mechanism, crank linkage mechanism, duckbill transplanting device and automatic feeding mechanism were elaborated in detail. Through a 1:1 modeling and prototype trial production, field experiments were conducted at Xuchang Tobacco Branch. [Result] The machine can complete multiple processes such as seedling pre installation, ridge drilling, seedling transplantation and soil compaction in one go, and the transplanting depth, missed planting rate, and coefficient of variation of plant spacing are all within the standard requirements. The transplanting quality fully meets the agronomic requirements of tobacco transplantation. [Conclusion] This machine has advantages such as high work efficiency, good consistency in transplanting depth, small turning radius and convenient operation. It is suitable for transplanting various small angle sloping terrains and various types of crops with different plant spacing. It can meet the agronomic requirements of large-scale tobacco transplanting in hilly areas.
Keywords: hanging basket; transplanter; crank multi link mechanism; horizontal adjustment mechanism; duckbill